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Rigor, Relevance, Relationships, Resilience

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Watch Our Juneteenth Celebration on RevereTV

RPS is commemorating Juneteenth with this film that follows Revere High School students on a recent trip to the Rumney Marsh Burial Ground with their teachers, Mr. DiMarino and Ms. Maniscalco. Jeff Pearlman, an adjunct professor at Salem State University and retired educator from Revere Public Schools, led the Burial Ground tour and roundtable discussion back at the High School.

Upcoming Events

Principal's Message

Welcome to Revere High School!  
The 2022-2023 school year is a very exciting time at Revere High School.  After several challenging years for anyone involved in education (including students and families), Revere High School is ready to take what we’ve learned the past few years and use it to improve the experience of our students.  Our new building leadership team is excited to engage with students, families and educators to not only support students this year, but also plan for what the future has in store for the RHS Community. 
As many of you know, we are in an exciting time of future planning for the new Revere High School.  We hope to open this brand new state-of-the-art building during the 2026-2027 school year.  While the new building might be a few years away, the planning to create a new Revere High begins now!  Here are some highlights of our efforts this year.  
·       We are engaging students, educators and the community to talk about the culture we want to build at RHS.  This will happen through our newly formed Student Senate, our School Improvement Council, our School-Based Equity Team and our Family Engagement Series.
·       We are continuing to expand our access to advanced coursework.  We are very proud that over the past four years we have increased participation in advanced coursework, such as AP Courses and Dual Enrollment Courses.
·       We are in the beginning stages of developing a Pathways Program at Revere High School, to give students more opportunity to take courses in areas that will prepare them for life after high school.  The five pathways we will focus on developing are Health Sciences, Robotics/Engineering, Marine Science, Hospitality Management and Education.  This work will allow us to increase partnerships with community organizations to provide a more dynamic experience for students at RHS
·       We are engaging the RHS Community in the creation of a Vision of the Graduate, to make sure the instructional program we offer students matches the needs and interests of the community.
·       We are working to develop programs that support enrichment and intervention for students who need support, whether that support is to be challenged or supported.
While the future of Revere High School is bright, students don’t need to wait for a new school to experience all that RHS has to offer.  Students should explore the Program of Studies for this school year to know all about the different programs we offer in our schedule.  One of the best ways to enjoy your high school experience is to get involved in activities you love outside of the classroom.  We have a wide-range of student activities in which you can choose to both participate and develop your leadership skills.  Our Athletic Department offers a full complement of competitive MIAA sports teams.  Students are encouraged to engage in community service opportunities throughout the city to improve their community.  If there is something you are interested in, chances are we have a cub or team for that.
We know that family participation is also supportive of student success; this new website is designed to provide you, as well as your parents and guardians with all the information they need to be active participants in their student’s education. This site works just as well on mobile devices as it does on a desktop so you can find information on the go. Please bookmark it for easy access.  
I look forward to connecting with anyone in the RHS community who has ideas to share about how we can improve the Revere High School experience for everyone involved!  
Christopher T. Bowen